Pledge of Jidokwan
Taekwondo for myself
Taekwondo for my family
Taekwondo for society
The Grandmaster Chun TKD Sabanim Promise
- To teach each class as if it were the most important class that we will ever teach.
- To teach our students reliable, useful and safe Martial Arts Skills so that they can defend themselves if every other peaceful option has been exhausted.
- To make the process of becoming a Black Belt as much fun as it is rewarding.
- To help students achieve Black Belt Excellence in every aspect of their lives.
- To earn the respect, loyalty and continued patronage of our students each and every day... one class at a time.
Black Belt Oath I accept with honor and privilege, the Black Belt in Martial Arts, and hereby swear to uphold the standards of honesty, integrity, high moral code, and indomitable spirit. I sincerely pledge to honor my instructor and school with loyalty and support, and to value and carry on the Martial Arts Tradition with respect and dignity. I further pledge, with humility and gratitude, to continue my mental, physical and spiritual growth to the highest level, to lead by example, and to share what I have learned with others.
Instructors Code of Ethics
- Be cheerful! No matter how you might feel before putting on your uniform. The moment you cinch the knot in your belt, your attitude should be awesome!
- Be consistent! Steady attendance is a must. The instructors and students are counting on you.
- Never be un-constructively critical. Instead be constructively helpful.
- Be a good-finder. Look for the good in the students you're helping and tell them about it.
- Never punish; discipline instead. Discipline is done out of love: punishment is done out of anger.
- Give the personal touch. Understand the importance of positive touch, eye contact, and student recognition.
- Go the extra mile. Always give more than expected.
- Treat every student as though he/she is the most important person in the class. We should treat ALL people that way, and only then will they freely give you their friendship and their respect.